Monday, January 11, 2010

Braxton & Tylar Updates

I needed to do an update on my kids since it's been a while.

Tylar's Favorite Things To Do & Learning New Things:

Getting into Mommy's make up and putting it on, Her favorite is lip gloss, I think she has a lip gloss fetish like her Mama!

Wanting to do almost everything on her own, so independent!!!

Hates Brushing Her Hair! Loves getting her toes painted! Loves to cake on lotion! Helps Mommy clean all the time! Loves cooking! Loves coloring a lot, Copies Braxton vocabulary, Does not watch tv or movies, ONLY Dora and Alvin and the chipmunks are the only ones she gets into. Favorite color is Pink and Blue
Follows Mommy every where, total Mama's girl! Obsessed with Chocolate and Gum, favorite drink is Choc Milk

Basically loves anything girlie and is a major girlie girl but when she gets hurt, she is pretty tough and doesn't cry too much. The only girlie thing she doesn't care for is wearing her earrings.

Doesn't go by too many males, even family, only a couple of them

She's kinda mean when other kids she doesn't know talk to her; she'll hit the air and say "stop it!"  or say "Mom there talkin to me!" Lol!!

Her speech and vocabulary is at a 4 year olds level

shes pretty consistant with her manners, She has the best memory ever! She will bring up a situation that happened forever ago and will remember the person, where it was and what they said,. It's amazing!
She still sleeps with Mom and Dad but will soon be swung off that. Braxton slept with us til he was 3 1/2 but took it fairly well! She wears night time diapers and does wet them because she still gets her sippy at night but is fully potty trained

Her favorite food is Eggs. She loves being infront of the camera and also behind it She loves all sorts of dolls but more so, real babies, especially her cousin Talon. She wants to take care of him and hold him non stop when he's around.

Is scared of the dark and won't go to the bathroom by herself at night, Argues with her brother a lot but also gets excited to pick him up from school and play! Loves baths and showers, Pretends to be reading books and talking on a fake phone

Knows all her colors, her Birthday, her full name, can point out all family members on both sides, can count to 30 (Mommy needs to work on numbers more with her!!), knows most of her animals and the sounds thy make, knows alphabet song

Favorite songs are Patty Cake and Mr. Turkey, Loves dancing and doing crafts with Mommy, Extremely high maintnance but a big pleaser when she wants to be!

Braxton's Favorite Things &  Learning New Things:

Loves Baseball, playing wii, going to park, crafting with Mommy, making cookies, hiking

Not scared of any bugs and will kill them for Mommy when Dads not around

Lost 3 teeth now and the bottom ones are coming in already!

Is VERY sociable and will talk to anyone anywhere!

Can count to 300, can read easy short books, can sound out every letter, knows days of the week, knows all colors, numbers, sight words, knows some adding and subtracting, knows all animals and their sounds, knows his birthday, full name, all holidays and their meanings, basically every kindergardner knows!

Favorite food is Salad, favorite drink is Orange soda , favorite snack is Fruit Snacks, favorite song is Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, his favorite movie is Alvin And The Chipmunks, Favorite Sport is Baseball, favorite color is Green

Hates cleaning up, only likes to when he wants something, to kiss butt! But he does remember to make his bed every morning and does it pretty good too!

Remembers to brush his teeth on his own with no reminders, gets him self dressed, is independent in a lot of ways but prefers help even if he knows how to do something.

Fights with his sister a lot but also helps her with things a lot too!

Loves church! Usually enjoys School but not every day!

Is a major Boy in all ways but when he gets hurt, he really freaks out like his Daddy! Lol!
He doesn't like going to any stores not unless he has his own money to buy something, then he loves going. Loves playing with friends and his Cousins, actually loves baths and showers, cares about his appearance and loves new clothes and shoes, hates long drives but loves visiting family!

Funny and cute words he mispronounces are: "puter" instead of computer, "masty" instead of nasty and "scarring" instead of starring

Braxton is a major Daddy's boy! He is good at holding the doors open for his Mommy and other girls and good at letting them go first! He always tells his sister and Mommy they are beautiful and tells Daddy he's awesome. He likes getting the newspaper fom the driveway, he likes getting his picture taken and loves taking them and is very good at it!

Every time Mommy is crafting or decorating, he always says "your good Mom" or "that looks beautiful Mom" he is very very good at complimenting people!

He loves telling on other people to get them in trouble and has a hard time fessing up when he does something he's not suppose to but has improved with  honesty!

He loves collecting rocks, coloring and is very good at it and watching all kinds of movies. He doesn't care for pizza but loves Sushi, raw onions, tomatoes and isn't a picky eater, just not pizza but still will eat it.

Braxton is a people pleaser most of the time and always has been, to where Tylar on the other hand is rarely and ONLY on her watch! There both great kids and definatley have their moments like all kids. They ae just going through a stage right now where they fight A LOT! It's so cute to see Braxton now go to school and watch them both grow up so fast and see them discover new things and form their little personalities! This is a long post but I like to keep this as a journal for myself and also for those who don't live near. I left out a lot more but this post would then be never ending cause there's so much I can say about them! I love my kiddies more than anything and feel so honored to call them mine and watch these 2 little miracles grow and learn every day! They are my greatest blessings and I live for them! I love you Braxton and Tylar!!!


6jardines said...

they are cute kids!!!! Too bad we aren't neighbors anymore! :(

Jessica and Mike Stosich said...

I love my little nephew and niece, there adorable kids and very smart! And Tayson LOVES LOVES hanging out with them and gets so excited to see you and them!